Jessica A. Cornell Appointed Administrative Director, Advanced Primary and Geriatric Care

Jessica A. Cornell, CPPM, has been named administrative director of Advanced Primary and Geriatric Care. In this new role, Cornell will continue operational responsibility for Primary Care at Home and expand her role to also support ChristianaCare’s new Medicare Advantage practices in Rehoboth and Milford, Supportive and Palliative Care and the Hospice program, and also serve as the interim director for Swank Memory Center.
Cornell has been leading practice operations for more than 13 years. She joined ChristianaCare in 2019 as the program manager for Primary Care at Home and has been instrumental in developing and implementing programs to advance ChristianaCare’s continuum of care with home-based services. She has lead efforts to implement and manage alternative payment models, like CMS Independence at Home, launch the CMS Primary Care First payment model in Primary Care at Home and ChristianaCare’s two New Jersey primary care practices. Cornell has also helped us develop the Medicare Advantage practice model and will lead the implementation in Milford and Rehoboth in the months ahead.
Cornell is currently working on degree from Delaware Technical Community College. She reports to Francis A. Gott III, MBA RRT, vice president, Longitudinal Care.