Media Experts

ChristianaCare’s External Affairs Department provides information to help the media with their news stories. For general media inquiries, please click  “Request an Interview” located on the right of the page (or the bottom of the page on mobile). The profiles of each expert below also contain the “Request an Interview” button that enables External Affairs to efficiently connect you to these experts for news stories.

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Vishesh Agarwal, M.D.

Vishesh Agarwal, M.D.

Vice Chair of Department of Psychiatry

Evidence Based Care, Smoking Cessation, Behavioral Addictions, Inpatient Psychiatrist, Addiction Psychiatry, Psychiatry, Crisis Intervention, Risk Assessment

Barbara Albani, M.D.

Barbara Albani, M.D.

Director of NeuroInterventional Surgery

Diagnostic Neuroradiology, Radiology, Interventional Neuroradiology, Neurology, Neurovascular Disease, Stroke

Kaitlyn Angermeier, MS, OTR/L

Kaitlyn Angermeier, MS, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapy, Injury Prevention, Trauma, Fall Prevention, Community Education, Public Health

Karen Antell, M.D., MPH, FAAFP

Karen Antell, M.D., MPH, FAAFP

Director of Maternity and Women’s Health Education

Menopause Transition Care, Contraception Training, Family Medicine Obstetrical Care, Maternity Care Education, School-based Health

Ijaz Anwar, M.D.

Ijaz Anwar, M.D.

Internal Medicine Physician at ChristianaCare Primary Care at Smyrna

Geriatric Medicine, Internal Medicine

Kert Anzilotti, M.D., MBA

Kert Anzilotti, M.D., MBA

System Chief Medical Officer and President of the Medical Group.

Hospital Throughput, Quality, Acute Care, Radiology, Clinical Strategy, Safety

Douglas P. Azar, MHA

Douglas P. Azar, MHA

Senior Vice President of Strategic Clinical Integration

Community and Physician Partnerships, Accountable Care Organization, Clinically Integrated Networks, Ambulatory & Primary Care Strategic Planning, Business Development Planning, New Program Implementation

Elizabeth Barchi, M.D.

Elizabeth Barchi, M.D.

Sports Medicine Specialist

Holistic Medicine, Sports Medicine, Dance Medicine, Sports Injuries, Pediatrics

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