Health care hero: Medical-Pediatrics resident Chelsea Hastry, M.D.
Motivated by her patients to stay optimistic
We are shining a light on our #healthcareheroes. Meet Medical-Pediatrics Resident Chelsea Hastry, M.D.

What inspires you to be a caregiver?
I have always been a nurturing person who dreamed of going into medicine. Every day, I get to live that dream and care for patients. My fellow caregivers inspire me with the strength and compassion that they bring to work each and every day.
How has your typical workday changed? What work are you doing or doing differently because of COVID-19?
Duties have shifted to help fill needs. As a Medical-Pediatrics resident, I have been moved back and forth between the adult and children’s hospitals depending on where the needs are highest. I have become much more flexible in my clinical duties and learning to focus on the present situation.
What is keeping you motivated during these uncertain times?
The patients are my motivators. Often the health care providers are the only contact that the patients have during this unprecedented time. Knowing how difficult that is keeps me motivated to be optimistic.
What advice do you have for your fellow caregivers?
Take everything one day at a time. These are trying times but we are all in this together. We are all going to have days when things seem difficult, but we always have each other to lean on.
What advice do you have for our community?
We thank you for all of your support. By doing your part, you are all helping to save lives each day. Continue to keep vigilant, yet optimistic, that better days are ahead.