Christiana Care has been recognized as a 2018 Pioneers in Quality™ Solution Contributor by The Joint Commission for its contributions to electronic clinical quality measure data for quality improvement in health care.

“Our process focused on quality measures related to making sure that patients who had a stroke received appropriate medications during their hospital stay and then continued to receive these medications after they left the hospital,” said Kristin Livingston, MBA, RHIA, senior project manager in the Office of Quality, Safety and Population Health.

“Historically, hospitals collected such information by manually abstracting data from patient records,” she said. “Manual data abstraction is time-consuming, resource-intensive and prone to inaccuracies. Regulatory agencies have moved toward requiring hospitals to transmit data electronically on the quality of care that patients receive — data that can be analyzed to measure and improve hospital care processes, performance and outcomes.”

“The Joint Commission recognition reflects our commitment to continuous quality improvement, especially as it relates to the adoption of electronic clinical quality measures,” said Jonathan M. Raser-Schramm, M.D., Ph.D., medical director of Christiana Care’s Stroke Program and the Stroke Treatment and Recovery Unit. “Our goal was to support the accurate reporting of stroke data and provide physicians with data collection tools to assure consistent and accurate documentation to advance our commitment to quality care for patients and their families.”

Christiana Care is a nationally recognized Comprehensive Stroke Center, the most advanced level of expertise designated by the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association. The stroke program has achieved recognition for excellence from CareChex in 2018 and from Healthgrades consecutively from 2016 to 2019.

Christiana Care offers a monthly stroke support group. Click here for dates and more information.
