Samantha A. DeParre promoted to nurse manager
Samantha A. DeParre, MSN, RN-BC, RNIII, has been promoted to nurse manager of the Vascular Access unit.
DeParre has worked for Christiana Care Health System for more than nine years in the Emergency Department and in Behavioral Health. She moves to her new position from her post as an RN in the Emergency Department. Prior to that she was an assistant nurse manager of Psychiatry.
In her various roles, she served as the Disabilities Project coordinator for the National Association for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), and as the Health Service Administrator for Baylor’s Correctional Facility, where she supervised health care for more than 300 inmates.
DeParre earned her Bachelor of Science in nursing from Immaculata University in 2010, and her Master of Science in nursing leadership/education from Wilmington University in 2012.