DE Breast Cancer Coalition honors Diana Dickson-Witmer, M.D.

Diana Dickson-Witmer, M.D., FACS, medical director of the Breast Center at the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute, was honored May 28 at the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition’s inaugural Shining Light Awards Ceremony at the University of Delaware STAR Campus. The awards ceremony recognizes people and organizations who have made significant contributions toward ending breast cancer in Delaware and inspire others to be champions of the cause.
Dr. Dickson-Witmer was recognized with the Spotlight on Health Care Delivery – Individual award.
In addition to caring for patients, Dr. Dickson-Witmer chairs the Committee on Approvals of the Commission on Cancer. This committee sets standards for the 1,465 approved cancer programs in the United States and surveys the programs every three years to assess the level of compliance with those standards. She also serves on the editorial board of Breast Diseases: A Yearbook Quarterly and is a member of a number of professional organizations and committees. She is the Delaware state chair for the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer.
Caption: Delaware State Sen. Bethany Hall-Long; Diana Dickson-Witmer, M.D., FACS, medical director of the Breast Center at the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute; and Delaware First Lady Carla Markell.