Tina Hu, M.D., honored by National Med-Peds Residents’ Association
Onady Award recognizes extraordinary, lasting contributions to leadership

Tina Hu, M.D., a fourth-year resident in Internal Medicine-Pediatrics, received the prestigious Gary Onady, M.D., Ph.D. Award from the National Med-Peds Residents’ Association for making extraordinary, lasting contributions to leadership to the organization at the national level.
“Dr. Hu’s distinction marks the second time our health system has won the Dr. Onady Award,” said Allen Friedland, M.D., FACP, FAAP, Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program Director and section chief of Medicine-Pediatrics at ChristianaCare.
Dr. Hu clearly meets the expectation of making “a contribution that has moved the Med-Peds specialty to the forefront of medical care policy, curriculum, or contributions to the quality of medical care,” Dr. Friedland said.
Dr. Hu’s research involved work at the national level tackling physician burnout through the Physician Health and Wellness initiatives with the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Section on Med-Peds.
Dr. Hu helped design a Physician Health and Wellness booth equipped to help pediatricians take care of their own wellness amidst caring for their patients, offering preventive health care guidelines, aromatherapy stations and other resources.
She also helped designed a research study and interventions to target the individual and systems level, which improved physician burnout even through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Her mentor Himani Divatia, D.O., received the Onady award as a resident in 2014.
This award marks the second time recently that Dr. Hu has been honored for outstanding qualities as a physician at a regional or national level. In the spring of 2020 she was inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society Resident Chapter of Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University.
ChristianaCare’s Med-Peds Residency Program is one of 77 dual med-peds residency programs nationwide.
“What makes the Med-Peds training program at ChristianaCare special is that residents learn to view themselves as leaders in training,” Dr. Friedland said.
Learn more about ChristianaCare’s residency programs.