Christiana Care earns 100 Top Hospitals ranking

A new independent analysis of the quality, safety and efficiency of care provided by nearly 3,000 hospitals across the country rates Christiana Care Health System in the top 100.
In the 100 Top Hospitals list released by Truven Health Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters), Christiana Care is one of only 15 major teaching hospitals to earn a place.
Christiana Care was the only hospital in Delaware and one of only two in the entire Philadelphia region to make the prestigious list. Christiana Care also received the distinction in the year 2000.
The award recognizes the 100 Top Hospitals that have achieved excellence in 14 areas, including patient outcomes, patient safety, treatment standards, patient satisfaction, efficiency and financial stability. The study compares hospitals only against similar facilities in terms of size and teaching status.
“This honor is a tribute to our doctors, nurses and frontline staff who transform care every day,” said Robert J. Laskowski, M.D., MBA, Christiana Care president and CEO. “Such recognition fundamentally speaks to our commitment to serve our neighbors as respectful, expert caring partners in their health.”
Researchers based the 100 Top Hospitals on public information — Medicare cost reports, Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) data, and core measures and patient satisfaction data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Compare website. Hospitals do not apply, and winners do not pay to market the honor.
“This year’s winners have brought even higher value to their local communities – better quality, higher efficiency and high patient perceptions of care, while confronting the challenges of massive industry-wide transformation to implement health care reform,“ said Jean Chenoweth, senior vice president at Truven Health Analytics.
Truven Health reports that 100 Top Hospitals outperform their peers by demonstrating excellence and operating effectively across all functional areas. Based on comparisons between the study winners and a peer group of similar high-volume hospitals that were not winners, they found that if all hospitals performed at the level of this year’s winners:
- More than 164,000 additional lives could be saved.
- Nearly 82,000 additional patients could be complication free.
- $6 billion could be saved.
- Typical patients could be released from the hospital half a day sooner.
This analysis is based on Medicare patients. If the same standards were applied to all inpatients, the impact would be even greater.