Albert Rizzo, M.D., named chairman-elect of American Lung Association

Albert Rizzo, M.D., named chairman-elect of American Lung Association

Albert Rizzo, M.D.
Albert Rizzo, M.D.

Delaware pulmonologist Albert A. Rizzo, M.D., was elected chair of the National Board of Directors for the American Lung Association. He just completed serving a two-year term as the Association’s highly visible nationwide assembly speaker.

In March 2010, Dr. Rizzo testified on Capitol Hill at the request of Sen. Tom Carper in support of SB 2995, the Clean Air Act Amendments of 2010, which aimed to strengthen the Clean Air Act by cleaning up sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and mercury from power plants. Dr. Rizzo has served as a volunteer for the American Lung Association in Delaware for more than 20 years, including two terms as the state chapter chairman of the board of directors. He was responsible for starting the Delaware Asthma Consortium, which now includes more than 60 members from the community, pharmaceutical companies and businesses, to address management and care of individuals with asthma.

Dr. Rizzo is chief of the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine section at Christiana Care and a managing partner of Pulmonary Associates, PA.
