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Shilpa Kauta, M.D.
Director for the ChristianaCare Sleep Wellness Center
Expertise & Research Interests
- Sleep Medicine
- M.D., University of Miami
Shilpa Kauta, M.D.
Director for the ChristianaCare Sleep Wellness Center
Shilpa Kauta, M.D. earned a bachelor’s degree in biology at the University of Miami and her medical degree at the University of Miami School of Medicine in 2007. She completed her intern year in medicine at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach. She then moved to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania for residency in neurology and a fellowship in sleep medicine. She currently serves as the Medical Director for the ChristianaCare Sleep Wellness Center.

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Best Cooling Sheets for 2024: Tested and Reviewed
Cotton and linen are good options because they're breathable, Kauta said. Bamboo and eucalyptus are even better -- they're softer, hypoallergenic and able to wick moisture away if you get hot flashes or night sweats.
"They tend to cost more but can be worth it to have cooler sleep," she added. "My personal favorite is bamboo sheets -- they feel cool and cozy at the same time."
All of our experts said to avoid synthetic bedding, like polyester and nylon.
"They can trap heat and increase your body temperature during sleep," according to Kauta.
They also gave the thumbs down to satin, flannel and silk, which can feel cool to the touch but are not breathable.
Surface EMG activity during REM sleep in Parkinson’s disease correlates with disease severity
Over 40% of individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) have rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD). This is associated with excessive sustained (tonic) or intermittent (phasic) muscle activity instead of the muscle atonia normally seen during REM sleep. We examined characteristics of manually-quantitated surface EMG activity in PD to ascertain whether the extent of muscle activity during REM sleep is associated with specific clinical features and measures of disease severity.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Disordered Breathing in Hospitalized Cardiac Patients: A Reduction in 30-Day Hospital Readmission Rates
Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is associated with significant cardiovascular sequelae and positive airway pressure (PAP) has been shown to improve heart failure and prevent the recurrence of atrial fibrillation in cardiac patients with sleep apnea. Patients who are hospitalized with cardiac conditions frequently have witnessed symptoms of SDB but often do not have a diagnosis of sleep apnea. We implemented a clinical paradigm to perform unattended sleep studies and initiate treatment with PAP in hospitalized cardiac patients with symptoms consistent with SDB.
Cases of pediatric narcolepsy after misdiagnoses
Narcolepsy is characterized by recurrent brief attacks of irresistible sleepiness. Signs can begin during childhood. However, diagnoses are frequently delayed by 10-15 years because of unfamiliarity with pediatric narcolepsy and variable presentations of its associated features (cataplexy, hypnagogic/hypnopompic hallucinations, and sleep paralysis). Therefore, patients may remain untreated during their formative years. Three children with narcolepsy who were initially misdiagnosed are described. Each child's signs were initially related to depression, hypothyroidism, jaw dysfunction, or conversion disorder. However, after a multiple sleep latency test, the diagnosis of narcolepsy was established.