Medication take-back day protects people and the environment

Medication take-back day protects people and the environment

Jessica McPoland, Pharm.D (left), and Katelyn McCormick, Pharm.D, sift through some of the medications brought to the MAP 2 parking lot April 27 for disposal. At the end of the day, there were 96 boxes holding 1,948 pounds ready for proper disposal.
Jessica McPoland, Pharm.D, and Katelyn McCormick, Pharm.D, sift through some of the medications brought to the Christiana Hospital campus April 27 for disposal. At the end of the day, there were 96 boxes holding 1,948 pounds of medications ready for proper disposal.

Nearly 1 ton of unwanted and expired medications was collected for safe disposal during Christiana Care’s Medication Cabinet Clean-Out Day on April 27. Unwanted or expired medications cause thousands of accidental poisonings each year and have been detected in municipal water supplies. That’s why Christiana Care Health System encourages neighbors to bring in their expired or unwanted prescriptions, inhalers, over-the-counter pills, vitamins, pet medicines and liquid medications for proper disposal during scheduled prescription drug take-back days. This event was a joint partnership of Christiana Care Health System, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Delaware State Police.
