Health Care Hero: CareVio Nurse Case Manager Brenda Walsh
Helping patients be active members of their health care team
We are shining a light on our #healthcareheroes. Meet CareVio Nurse Case Manager Brenda Walsh.

What inspires you to be a caregiver?
Health care is a complicated process. Many patients struggle to be partners in their own health care. Breaking down complex information and processes to manageable steps along the continuum of care enables patients to be a more active member of the health care team. Helping patients overcome barriers and seeing positive outcomes is very rewarding.
How has your typical workday changed? What work are you doing or doing differently because of COVID-19?
Daily huddles have become valuable to maintain communication with multidisciplinary teams. As a CareVio nurse case manager, focusing on the COVID-19 information and keeping up with the rapidly changing information has become very important in my day-to-day work. Providing COVID-19 patients with current and accurate information is a priority.
At the same time, I am still working with patients in our primary care practice through technology such as Zoom video to continue supporting them in education such as diabetes education. Virtual technology has been a great way to keep everyone, patients and coworkers, engaged.
What is keeping you motivated during these uncertain times?
All of our community members are impacted by this pandemic, either directly or indirectly. I’m motivated by the feeling that I can make a difference in the world, one patient, one conversation at a time. Hearing the distress in their voices, I know I can help calm the fear and anxiety. Helping them understand the situation and providing tools to ease the stress and anxiety is very rewarding.
What advice do you have for your fellow caregivers?
Take one day at a time, one patient at a time. Remember to take care of yourself. We can not take care of others until we take care of ourselves. Also, people may not remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel, so always be kind.
What advice do you have for our community?
We all have a responsibility to keep each other safe. Following the CDC guidelines is a must for all of us. Think about what you will bring home to your families and loved ones if you do not act responsibly. We can overcome this pandemic if we all do the right thing. We truly are in this together.