Helen F. Graham Cancer Center earns Shining Light Award

Christiana Care’s Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute received a 2015 Shining Light Spotlight on Health Care Delivery Award from the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition on June 12. The Shining Light Awards honor individuals and organizations who have made a difference in the local battle against breast cancer.
This award truly belongs to our physicians, nurses and entire staff who dedicate themselves to partnering with our patients and their families to provide expert care that our patients value
The Spotlight on Health Care Delivery Award highlighted the Christiana Care Breast Center and the Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Clinic at the Graham Cancer Center. Nicholas J. Petrelli, M.D., bank of America endowed medical director of the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute, accepted the award. The award singled out Dr. Petrelli, Zohra Ali-Khan Catts, MS, LCGC, director of Genetic Counseling, and Nora Katurakes, MSN, RN, OCN, manager of Community Health Outreach and Education.
“This award truly belongs to our physicians, nurses and entire staff who dedicate themselves to partnering with our patients and their families to provide expert care that our patients value,” said Dr. Petrelli.
According to the Breast Cancer Coalition, “the number of mammograms, breast cancer patients seen, cancer patients on clinical trials and funding for clinical as well as basic science research have increased exponentially under [Dr. Petrelli’s] leadership. Genetic Counseling, under the direction of Zohra Ali-Khan Catts, has allowed the hospital to evaluate families with a history of cancer, provide genetic counseling to individuals and offer testing for genetic mutations, and frequently the same can be done for other cancers. In addition, the community health and education department, under the direction of Nora Katurakes, along with Christiana Care’s outreach navigators and community partners, offers exceptional care to countless women across the state and delivers outstanding outcomes in health care delivery and research.”
“There are countless heroes and heroines in the battle against breast cancer in Delaware,” said Vicky Cooke, DBCC executive director. “We wish we could have awarded them all, but our four 2015 honorees were the standout winners who will motivate others to become supporters against breast cancer in whatever capacity they can.”
The other honorees were Sussex County Chapter Women’s Council of Realtors for “Spotlight on Philanthropy,” Jacquie Connell for “Spotlight on Survivorship,” and Delmarva Broadcasting Company of Central Delaware for “Spotlight on Business.”
The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition offers statewide programs and services of education, outreach, and early detection and treatment of breast cancer.