Christiana Care partners with state agencies to promote safe walking
Glen Tinkoff, M.D., associate vice chair of surgery for emergency surgical services at Christiana Care, spoke to local media about safe walking during Delaware’s pedestrian safety education campaign, which kicked off April 29 with demonstrations of the effects of speed on pedestrian safety in New Castle County and Sussex County. The Walk Smart campaign, a collaborative effort between the Office of Highway Safety, the Delaware Department of Transportation, and state and local law enforcement with other partners, is meant to educate the public about safe walking and crossing practices to improve safety on the road.
“At Christiana Care, we all too often are called upon to provide emergency care for our neighbors who are injured while they are walking,” said Glen Tinkoff, M.D., associate vice chair of surgery for emergency surgical services at Christiana Care Health System, which includes Delaware’s only Level I trauma center at Christiana Hospital. “We welcome this opportunity to partner with our state leaders to educate the public about pedestrian safety through Walk Smart.”
The event included a demonstration of vehicle stopping time and distance, featuring a wire-frame model of a child crossing the street. At 25 mph, the vehicle stops in time. At 35 mph, the vehicle slams into the model with devastating force.
The campaign comes at a significant time: May has trended as highest for pedestrian crashes in Delaware. In 2013, 357 pedestrian-related crashes occurred on Delaware roads.