Social distancing is the best way to help keep COVID-19 from spreading. Here are seven things you can do while you’re putting space between yourself and other people.

  1. Get outside and be active. Fresh air and exercise are good for you. But stay informed about what’s best for your community. And remember to keep a 6-foot or 2-meter space between you. Avoid gathering places like parks and playgrounds. Wear a cloth face cover over your nose and mouth. But remember, cloth face covers should not be placed on children under age 2. And wash your hands well when you get home.
  2. Learn something new. Use this time to pick up that dusty guitar, paintbrush, or pen, or take an online course on a subject you’re interested in.
  3. Stay in touch with others by phone, Skype, Messenger, FaceTime, or whatever virtual communication tool you use. It may be especially important for families to stay in touch with others who live by themselves such as friends, grandparents, or other relatives. They may be feeling lonely right now.
  4. “Visit” places around the world—virtually—and online, of course. Search on the internet for virtual tours of zoos, national parks, and museums.
  5. Do things to relax your mind. Listen to relaxing music. Watch movies. Read books. You can also learn to relax your body through meditation and imagery.
  6. Take a break from the news. Although it is important to keep up with the response to COVID-19, it can be a good idea to take some time each day to unplug from devices and the television. You could use the time to play a board game or do a puzzle.
  7. Write. Keep a journal, or write letters, cards, or emails to friends and family members. Expressing yourself in writing can be a good way to reduce your stress. And when you write to other people, they’ll feel good too.

Bonus tip: Laugh. It’s okay. Laughter really can be the best medicine. With care and a little time, you’ll get through this. Be kind to yourself and those around you.

As experts learn more about COVID-19, advice about what to do may change.

For reliable information for facts about COVID-19 and what you can do to prevent spreading the virus, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and
