Page 26 - Christiana Care Focus November 2018
P. 26

Let’s Commit To Be Fit |
  Eat less, drink less — and be merry
The holidays are approaching, a season when there’s an abundance of food — and we’re starved for time.
But you don’t have to eat and drink to be merry. A healthy, sensible diet will provide you with the energy you need, without extra pounds to carry into the New Year.
“Many people will gain one or two pounds over the holiday and it sticks,” said Regina Johnston, MPH, RD, LDN, CDE, an outpatient dietitian. “Over 10 years you might gain 20 pounds—and that is significant.”
A good place to start is with your shopping list. Load up on fruits, veggies, grains and lean meats. Leave sweets and processed foods on the shelf in the grocery store.
“Keep things that you would be tempted by out of the house,” she advised. “Don’t buy bags of candy or other treats in advance. You will be tempted to eat it.”
Don’t go to a party or an event on an empty stomach. Instead eat a small snack before, perhaps and apple and peanut butter, to take the edge off your hunger. “We don’t make the wisest choices when we are famished,” Johnston said.
Here are a few other tips to set yourself up for success:
Batch cook on the weekend so you will have meals ready to go during the week. Roast a whole chicken for dinner. Shred the leftovers to top off a salad. Or put the chicken in a wrap for lunch.
Go slow. Or go fast. Load up the crockpot so dinner will be waiting when you get home. Or consider an Instant Pot, which cooks foods very quickly.
Choose healthier indulgences. Instead of calorie-laden eggnog, go for a wine spritzer or a light beer.
Control your portions. “Using a smaller plate helps. You can’t put as much on it, yet it looks full.”
Drink lots of water throughout the day. You will stay hydrated and feel fuller.
Technology can help us make informed decisions and stay on track. allows the user to key in the names of restaurant foods and common brands and learn how many calories are in the dish. McDonald’s Big Mac has 540 calories and 28 grams of fat, while a grilled chicken sandwich has 310 calories and 6 grams of fat.
MyFitnessPal is an app that allows users to scan barcodes of food items, as well as track their exercise.
“Don’t let exercise fall by the wayside,” Johnston said. “If you were working out five days a week, make sure you work out at least three times. Exercise burns calories and reduces stress, which are both important during the holidays.” 

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