Timothy J. Gardner, M.D., honored by American Heart Association

The American Heart Association presented its Chairman’s Award saluting excellence in volunteer service to Timothy J. Gardner, M.D., medical director of the Center for Heart & Vascular Health at Christiana Care Health System, “for his long-standing commitment to providing the association invaluable leadership and expert guidance in making progress toward accomplishing its mission.”
Dr. Gardner received the award during the opening of the AHA Scientific Sessions 2015 at the Orlando Convention Center. Association Board Chairman Alvin L. Royse presented the award, a citation and $1,000 honorarium.
“For three decades Dr. Gardner has been actively involved in the American Heart Association’s priority planning, programming and governance at virtually every level, including the presidency,” the award citation says.
“This service included three years at the helm of the association from mid-2007 to mid-2010, as president-elect, president and immediate past president.”
During Dr. Gardner’s presidency, the AHA promoted the importance of prevention through its campaign of “Building a Healthier World, Free of Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke.” During his term, the AHA also advocated strongly for health care reform for the more than 45 million Americans without health insurance.
Gardner began volunteer service to the AHA in 1985 on the program committee of the Council of Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia. He later chaired that council and also served on numerous other AHA councils and panels.
“Few individuals have voluntarily devoted more of their time and talents to the American Heart Association than
Tim Gardner,” Royce said in presenting the award.