Cupcakes4Cancer: A moral deed you can sink your teeth into

Cupcakes4Cancer: A moral deed you can sink your teeth into

Nicholas J. Petrelli, M.D., Bank of America endowed medical director of the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center, and radiation oncologist Jon F. Strasser, M.D., receive a check from Zack Horowits and his Cupcakes4Cancer teammates Leah Harlev, Micah Harlev, Clay Horowitz, Justin Horowitz, Sdney Flambaum and Haley Flambaum.
Nicholas J. Petrelli, M.D., Bank of America endowed medical director of the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center, and radiation oncologist Jon F. Strasser, M.D., receive a check from Zack Horowitz and his Cupcakes4Cancer teammates Leah Harlev, Micah Harlev, Clay Horowitz, Justin Horowitz, Sydney Flambaum and Haley Flambaum.

This past summer, a group of philanthropic tweens teamed up to perform the ultimate mitzvah. Cupcakes4Cancer was started back in September 2009 by a few families from the Jewish community who wanted to make a difference. Zack Horowitz, one of three brothers who helped create the charity, decided to use Cupcakes4Cancer as his mitzvah project, part of the process of becoming a Bar Mitzvah. He was joined by the whole crew including his brothers and the Flambaum, Schwartz and Harlev families. The event was run at the Jewish Federation’s Mitzvah Day—a special day dedicated to giving back—and the final earnings were outstanding and inspirational. Zack also raised money for the cause through his Bar Mitzvah website. For advice, they reached out to fellow Jewish Community Center member Jon Strasser, M.D., a radiation oncologist at the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center, who suggested supporting the pediatric cancer unit at Helen F. Graham Cancer Center.

The Cupcakes4Cancer crew already knew how to raise money. They had already helped donate $500 to the American Cancer Society by selling delicious homemade cupcakes.

Fast forward three months to September 2011: Zack completes his successful mitzvah project as Cupcakes4Cancer donates an amazing sum of $1,754 (including a percentage of Zack’s own Bar Mitzvah gift money) to the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center.
